There are always some ideas floating around in my head of things that I want to write. Some fade away, and others I capture in my GTD system. And on some rare occasions, I invest the time to move my thoughts from my brain into a nice blog post.
If you’re asking about what I write: I really can’t tell. Most things you can find here at the moment are about Linux, coding, and similar stuff. But I won’t promise that this won’t change. We’ll see.
Since I joined the Fosstodon community over one and a half years ago (boy, time really flies...) I constantly read posts with a hashtag #100DaysToOffload and wondered what the heck this is. Well, someday I read the description and just thought "what a nice idea!" (tl;dr: during a time span of a …
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During the last days I took some time to review and update my website and---while I am at it---also slightly changed some other things. Since there are two thing that may interest you, I decided to write few words about it. What I Use In early 2016 I wrote a blog post about what software I use from …
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I am currently exploring the option in Org mode to export a file (or some entries) to an ics-file which I can then in turn import into my calendar. For reliably creating (and most importantly: updating) entries it is necessary that each one has an unique ID. To create a ID for the current entry I …
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Updates: Update 2021-03-25: Git hooks feature disabled by default Update 2021-08-23: Built-in mirror feature tl;dr: GitLab will still be my primary Git platform for my public projects/repositories, but these repositories can now also viewed at my Gitea instance at Additional links …
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To be honest: my website was always more or less just a large playground for me. It started around 2013 when I created my second website (I had a website before, ~2006/2008, I don't know correctly). Back then I put very much time in designing the thing. In 2014 I taught myself to code and in early …
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Quick Deploy - a possibly hacky way to deploy a Git repository without much overload and fast setup. Motivation From time to time I work on some TYPO3 Site Packages (mostly design work) where seeing the changes is quite important to me. Since TYPO3 needs a web server and a Database server running …
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In early 2016 I wrote a post about some software that I use. Since the last update in March 2016 quite some things changed and I just updated the list. If you are interested, click on the link below.
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Since Firefox 57 I'm using wiki of Tab Center Redux: #tabbrowser-tabs { visibility: collapse !important; } I found this solution quite useful over the last months, but recently I got some web design to do and split my screen horizontally in half. In this mode the width of the sidebar used to much …
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Since some time ago I could not scroll in any GTK+ 3 window in StumpWM with an external mouse. Today I found a workaround for this problem: executing export GDK_CORE_DEVICE_EVENTS=1 in a shell fixes the problem. To set this automatically when starting StumpWM insert the following in your …
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Update 03. April 2018: I re-enabled comments with an anti-spam plugin. If it works, I'll keep them enabled, otherwise I'll disable them again. I'm running this WordPress instance since August 2017 now and at the end of last year my page was finally listed on one of those unreachable lists of …
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The journey started in early 2016 when I decided to move my open-source projects and their management away from GitHub. First I launched a cgit instance for viewing the code and set up a gitolite for repository hosting. After a short time I moved the repositories to a self-hosted Phabricator …
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During my holiday in Cavallino-Treport (IT) I discovered the following bicycle track. The tour starts at the Piazzetta della Libertà in Cavallino and goes from there over the Via Francesco Baracca to an first unpaved way and later on Asphalt next to the Fiume Sile to Jesolo, where the river will be …
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Tja, wenn der Tag schon gut startet, was soll man dann erwarten. Nachdem ich auf dem Weg zur Uni nicht mit dem Rad gestürzt bin und der Aufbauf zeitlich sehr gut lief (auf den halbjährlichen Belastungstest der elektrischen Anlage der Universität durften wir dieses Mal verzichten). Doch wenn schon …
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Wie schwer kann es sein, Altklausuren auszudrucken? Da ich mich, warum auch immer, dazu entschieden habe, Informatik zu studieren und nicht Chemie oder anderes, habe ich das Glück, ein dafür entwickeltes Werkzeug verwenden zu können (bei anderen Fachschaften verwendet man ein Wiki zum Speichern von …
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I'm proud to announce a new release of the Rangitaki blogging engine which introduces post excerpts. Post excerpts are disabled by default and can be enabled with (re-)running php bin/init.php. Many thanks to Stefan for fixing the OpenGraph and Twitter meta tags. Full Changelog Update script
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Simplicity gives my music its freedom. I am nothing special. I am afraid about the future, I am afraid about the present and I try to find some warming moments in the past. Wang Li
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Today I announce 1.4.4 of the Rangitaki blogging engine. It brings an important bug fix concerning the feed creation. Starting from 1.4.0 the feed creation server-side script failed with a 500 internal server error because it was not converted to the new YAML configuration (due to a bug - to be …
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Hi folks! No! The writtenMorse project is not dead! Yesterday I released version 0.3 of the Morse converter web app. This update brings better performance when converting large texts thanks to a new converting engine written in Dart. You can test it now live at Feel free …
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Since the release of Rangitaki 1.4.0 two weeks ago there where three point releases. 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 brought changes to the authentication of the RCC and the RCC API. Caused by these changes you have to rerun php bin/init_rcc.php. To read more about this change habe a look at: …
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Yesterday I released Rangitaki version 1.4 with the following new features and fixes: Three new scripts in the bin folder to simplify the maintenance and setup. Read more below. Rangitaki API for working with your Rangitaki installation from other apps. Read on how to use the API in the …
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