Marcel Kapfer

Rangitaki Version 1.4.4


133 words, ~1 min reading time

code rangitaki

Today I announce 1.4.4 of the Rangitaki blogging engine. It brings an important bug fix concerning the feed creation. Starting from 1.4.0 the feed creation server-side script failed with a 500 internal server error because it was not converted to the new YAML configuration (due to a bug - to be exact: a missing slash - in the .gitignore).

While working on fixing this issue, I also upgraded to the latest version of the feed generator (PicoFeed). The generated feeds will now contain all feed information.

The update script works only from 1.4.3. So I your using an older version of Rangitaki, please upgrade first to 1.4.3.

Update script

As usual: Download the script, place it in the root folder of your Rangitaki installation, make it executable chmod +x and run it.

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