Marcel Kapfer


There are always some ideas floating around in my head of things that I want to write. Some fade away, and others I capture in my GTD system. And on some rare occasions, I invest the time to move my thoughts from my brain into a nice blog post.

If you’re asking about what I write: I really can’t tell. Most things you can find here at the moment are about Linux, coding, and similar stuff. But I won’t promise that this won’t change. We’ll see.

On Finding a To-Do Setup That Works


How many to-do apps have you already tried? All of them? Did you find one that "works" for you? No? Well, you're certainly not alone. The Endless Search I tried a fair share of apps and setups but all of them seemed to fail sooner or later. Whether it was a plain paper notebook I kept in my …

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Another Update on Publishing my Emacs Configuration


A few weeks ago I wrote a post about how I experimented with publishing my Emacs configuration (which is written in Org) using org-publish. Kashual Modi, the creator of ox-hugo, replied to me and asked me if I thought about publishing the configuration using ox-hugo. I didn't! And it turned out …

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Why I failed using Org-mode for tasks


I started using Emacs back in 2016 and shortly after that I discovered Org-mode a little while after (I don't know the exact date but I have tasks in my archive going back to 2018 and I know that I used it some time without the archiving functionality). For some time my bio on Fosstodon even …

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Publishing my Website using GitLab CI Pipelines


I wrote some posts recently, like Update on Publishing my Emacs Configuration, where I mention that my current workflow of deploying changes to my website can be improved. Well, I could always improve it, but this is one of the more urgent things. The Status Quo Currently after I writing some blog …

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My Emacs package of the week: org-appear


It may be a little boring for some, but the second post in my “My Emacs package of the week” series is again about an Org-mode package (well, if you follow my blog you shoudn't be surprised). I use org mode a lot (though I used to use it more (a blog post about this is coming soonish)) and so from …

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Update on Publishing my Emacs Configuration


After posting my last blog article about publishing my Emacs configuration on Fosstodon, Kaushal Modi (the maintainer of ox-hugo the org mode to hugo exporter that I use for my Blog) wrote me and brought the idea up to publish my Emacs configuration using ox-hugo and hugo. I didn't even think about …

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Publishing My Emacs Configuration


Introduction As you may know, I'm using Emacs for various task and I have a configuration for doing so. I think that documentation is an important part of a configuration, especially if it is not something I read or work with every day and I want to read up on certain things and decisions after a …

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Update on my Org-roam web viewer


About one and a half weeks ago I announced that I'm going to start a new (code) project for viewing my Org-roam files over the web (especially on mobile devices). Since then surprisingly much happened and so I want to give a short status update. First of all I chose a working title for the …

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My Emacs package of the week: orgit


As you may now I joined the 100 Days To Offload challenge and therefore need some content. Since it seems that I always write about stuff that is more or less connected with Emacs anyway I though I could start a series called "My Emacs package of the week" where I present some package I stumbled …

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New Project: Accessing my Org-roam notes everywhere


Currently my information storage "strategy" is a disaster. I have four (at least I think so, maybe even more) places where I write down information: A single org file called which is synchronized across my devices (including mobile) using Syncthing. This contains 14 first-level Org …

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Improving my new blog post creation


In my last post I wrote that it is currently quite cumbersome for me to start writing a new blog post. There are mainly two reasons for that. The first is opening the file. While this sounds quite unimpressive it does not make fun to navigate three directories from my home until I can open it. At …

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How this post is brought to you…


The #100DaysToOffload challenge starts very well. I'm sitting here at my desk with the to-do in front of me to write post number two. And I have absolutely no idea what to write! Well, there are some topics I want to cover on the blog during the next months and the can be part of the …

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Automatic UUID creation in some Org-mode files


I am currently exploring the option in Org mode to export a file (or some entries) to an ics-file which I can then in turn import into my calendar. For reliably creating (and most importantly: updating) entries it is necessary that each one has an unique ID. To create a ID for the current entry I …

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Switching my Website to Hugo using ox-hugo


To be honest: my website was always more or less just a large playground for me. It started around 2013 when I created my second website (I had a website before, ~2006/2008, I don't know correctly). Back then I put very much time in designing the thing. In 2014 I taught myself to code and in early …

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