pBlog Version 0.3
This is the Version 0.3 of pBlog. It comes with the following changes: Complete Markdown Support Design fixes a mainlink is no longer required
There are always some ideas floating around in my head of things that I want to write. Some fade away, and others I capture in my GTD system. And on some rare occasions, I invest the time to move my thoughts from my brain into a nice blog post.
If you’re asking about what I write: I really can’t tell. Most things you can find here at the moment are about Linux, coding, and similar stuff. But I won’t promise that this won’t change. We’ll see.
This is the Version 0.3 of pBlog. It comes with the following changes: Complete Markdown Support Design fixes a mainlink is no longer required
The following things are new in this version: Design Better structure cleaned up More will come when it is ready! This is the version 0.2.
Today I release the version 2.0 of the Android app. The initial release of the Android app is just about 2 months ago but it is still worth to make a big number jump. Fixed a bug in the normal morse encode engine which made this function u nusable until now Now both, input and output, are on the …
To bring a better look to my desktop / homescreen I recently made two simple material like wallpapers. These wallpapers are free to download and to redistribute (CC-BY-SA 4.0). I made them with a high 16:9 resolution that the also look great on 2k screen (or even higher resolutions) and in two …
Fixed a bug in the normal morse encode engine
Added German translation
This is a test version in a early state of the new blog engine. By now it supports following things: Markdown Mainlink and various other links More will come when it is ready! This is the version 0.1.
Today I publish my first composed piece called: "The Ending Year". I composed it at the end of 2014 to review the old year.
On the 6th I posted a link to this script in the LaTeX community on Google+ ( Pastebin.
Am sechsten habe ich eine Link zu dem von mir veröffentlichten Shell Skript in der LaTeX Community auf Google+ gepostet ( Profile) hat dies gesehen, das Skript angepasst und mit dem inotify-tools ausgestattet. Mit inotify wird die .tex Datei nur dann kompiliert, wenn sie geändert wurde. Hier ist …
Here a little shell script for LaTeX users who dont use an LaTeX IDE and who often use the command pdflatex. With this script is it possible to do so in regulary times automatically. It is also possible to tell the script how often it should build the PDF-file and how much time should be between …
Hier ein kleines Shell Skript für LaTeX Benutzer die keine LaTeX IDE verwenden und somit häufiger von dem Befehl pdflatex Gebrauch machen. Mit dem Skript kann man das in regelmäßigen Abständen automatisch ablaufen lassen. Es ist möglich festzulegen, wie oft der Prozess ablaufen soll und wie lange …
Bugfix: '#' / 3 Spaces in front of '+' / 7 Spaces Bugfix: Wrong length of the word divider in normal morse Bugfix: About on small devices not completely readable Bugfix: Landing in writtenMorse after converting normal morse
Bugfix: Wrong length of the word divider in normal morse
Added program icon Bugfix: '#' / 3 Spaces in front of '+' / 7 Spaces
This is the open source Comfortaa font by aajohan (aka Johan Aakerlund), packaged for the Cyanogenmod Theme Engine. All the credits go to aajohan. This font has no italic types. Get it
I decided that I publish the sourcecode of both applications on Github instead of providing an sourcecode zip package. Feel also free to commit any changes. A link to a trello board will apear on the Github readme soon.
Das ist die open-source Schriftare Comfortaa von aajohann (auuch bekannt als Johan Aakerlund), verpackt für den Cyanogenmode Theme Chooser. Sämtlicher Dank geht an aajohan. Diese Schriftart ist nicht als kursiv erhältlich. Download
I'm proud to present you this android app. With this app you can now convert your code on the way. The application has all the functions that the desktop program has. It also includes a share button for directly sharing your output to different apps on your device. I don't plan any apps for other …
Ich veröffentliche nun eine Android App für writtenMorse. Mit dieser App kannst du nun auch unterwegs text ver- und entschlüsseln. Die App hat die selben Funktionen wie das Desktop Programm. Die App beinhalted auch einen Teilen-Buttton um die konvertierte Nachricht mit verschiedenen Apps auf deinem …