Rangitaki Version 0.7 - The alpha release
147 words, ~1 min reading time
Today is the day! I release the alpha release for version 1.0 with the version number 0.7. This means that the development phase for 1.0 is closed and that there will only small improvements and bugfixes. It also means that you can start migrating your blog from 0.2.x to this release, since there wont be any further changes concerning the file structure.
Instead of listing the new features in 0.7 I list now all features that Rangitaki has as of today:
- Post writing in Markdown with a few keywords for the title, tags, date and the author (all optional)
- Multiple blogs
- A Subpages for each article with a comment box (Disqus; can be disabled)
- Share buttons (FAB; can be disabled)
- Disqus integration (can be disabled)
- Fast and easy configuration
- Google Analytics (optional)
- Twitter and OpenGraph meta tags
- Different themes
- Easy localization (just 3 (!) strings)
- Custom footer
- Navigation drawer (can be disabled)
- Tags
- Set author and date
- Mobile-first
- Rangitaki Control Center (RCC; optional, requires linux know-how, do not enable this unless you know what your doing)
- Online post upload
Since mainly everything is done, I will no start writing a documentation for Rangitaki, the RCC, themes and localization. I will also provide a quick-starting guide. These documents will be published with the 1.0 release which is drafted for the end of this month.
I also rewrote the GitHub Readme, so you can find there some additional infos concerning Rangitaki.
I would like to hear what you think about this post. Feel free to write me a mail!
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