Marcel Kapfer

A new design for


243 words, ~2 min reading time

design web

Today I roll out a first version of the new With this upload not everything is fully designed, but these missing pages will follow later this week or next week.

I decided to go in another direction using more subpages and the same design on every page, if it's just a subpage or its own project.

While designing the new page I not only tried to create a beautiful theme but also to provide a smoother user experience through designing page change animations with JavaScript. What you can actually see is just the beginning :D . I'll gonna improve the page animations to make them more seamless.

The idea was (and still is) to create a colorfull and light design which tries to provide a clean UI and a good UX by leaving large areas free. The important clickable areas in the design are quite large to create a good expirience for mobile users. To make the pages colorfull I choosed a own color (token from the Google Material Color palette) for each page and I used large artwork (mostly icons).

I call this design nextDESIGN 8 which is the eight large release of the nextDESIGN. A web design series which tries to provide beautiful web design since mid 2013. I will release the sourcecode of earlier versions (4 - 7) on GitHub in the next months. For more information write me on Google+ (have a look at the about page).

I would like to hear what you think about this post. Feel free to write me a mail!

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